Saturday, December 17, 2011

Science project control variable?

My science project is on whether the type of liquid affects the solubility of salt. I will put 40 grams of salt in 100 grams of water, then 40 grams of salt in 100 grams of Sprite, then 40 grams of salt in 100 grams of Coca-cola.

Do you guys think that it would be too hard to see if the salt dissolves in the Coca-cola?

Also, what would my control variable be? My independent variable is the type of liquid, and my dependent variable is the amount of salt that dissolves completely. Would my control just be the temperature? Or are there more?|||Right so it is everything that you are keeping the same for all trials of the experiment, in this case it would be the amount of salt in each trial, the amount of liquid, temperature is an important one, the size of the container, and how long you allow each mixture to sit or if you stir it an equal amount of time.

Coca Cola could be an interesting challenge, perhaps if you used a clear cup you could see on all trials if the salt has dissolved or not by looking through the bottom of the clear cup.

Best of luck to ya

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