Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is the independant variable, dependant variable and control in this experiment?

Does hot water or cold water freeze faster?

Well i need the independant, dependant and control for this experiment as I don't know anything about the experiment. Can any scientists please lend me a hand!|||The independent variable is typically the variable representing the value being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated

so the independent variable is the temperature of the water at the beginning

the dependent variable is time that the experiment takes for each of the different temperatures

you have not actually listed a control, you have listed 2 options hot, or cold water, a control could be room temperature water, however that would not make for a good experiment because you are not defining hot and cold.

You have not listed other values that might be held constant for instance pressure: at increased pressure you can get ice to become water, so if you decrease pressure it is possible to have water go to ice. (look into the triplet point for more information)

similarly with out pressure held constant it is possible to have 2 samples at the same temperature but one be ice while the other is water.

I guess what I am trying to say is that "hot" and "cold" are not very good scientific terms.

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