Monday, December 5, 2011

What are the independent, dependent, and control variable for my project?

I have a project/powerpoint due tomorrow and I have to know my control variable, independent variable, and my dependent variable. But I'm not completely sure on what they are.

The project is "What Temperature is Best for Helium Balloons?"

I'm using room temperature, cold temperature, and warm temperature as my choices. So if you have any ideas, that'd be a lot of help. Thanks!|||The independent variable is what is being changed or manipulated. So the three balloon temperatures: room, cold and warm.

The dependent variable is the outcome. You haven't given a lot of info so I'm not sure what you are actually looking at, but it is what is affected by the changes in your independent variable.

The control variable would be room temperature, since you're comparing what happens when you use cold and warm temperature to a room temperature balloon.|||independent: temperature

dependent: amount of helium in balloon (measuring the diameter of the balloon)

controls: use same type of balloon filled with the same amount of helium

control group: one at room temp

experimental group: ones at cold and warm temps|||Independent variable is ambient temperature. Control variable might be lift caused by buoyancy of the device. Dependent variable might be rate of climb due to lift.

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